Bill Actions

Bill action information from each legislative session is posted here. You can view footage of the bill signings on TVW. You can also find older veto messages in the Veto Archive.

-- No Bill Action Notices at this time --

Veto Archive

Bill Number Chamber Description Governor's Action Signed Date
5652 Senate Relating to compensation for tow truck operators for keeping the public roadways clear. Signed Thu, Mar 28, 2024
5920 Senate Relating to lifting certificate of need requirements for the construction of psychiatric hospitals and the addition of psychiatric beds. Signed Mon, Mar 18, 2024
5985 Senate Relating to the firearms background check program. Signed Tue, Mar 26, 2024
5790 Senate Relating to bleeding control equipment in schools. Signed Fri, Mar 29, 2024
6192 Senate Relating to additional work and change orders on public and private construction projects. Signed Tue, Mar 19, 2024
5271 Senate Relating to protecting patients in facilities regulated by the department of health by establishing uniform enforcement tools. Signed Fri, Mar 15, 2024
6088 Senate Relating to minor league baseball players subject to the terms of a collective bargaining agreement regarding employment status. Signed Fri, Mar 15, 2024
5592 Senate Relating to requiring semiautomatic external defibrillators at fitness centers. Signed Tue, Mar 19, 2024
6269 Senate Relating to establishing an alternative voter verification options pilot project. Signed Fri, Mar 15, 2024
6175 Senate Relating to providing a sales and use tax incentive for existing structures. Signed Thu, Mar 28, 2024
5150 Senate Relating to the beef commission's levied assessment. Signed Mon, Mar 18, 2024
6215 Senate Relating to improving tax and revenue laws in a manner that is not estimated to affect state or local tax collections as reflected on any fiscal note for this act, including provisions easing compliance burdens for taxpayers, clarifying ambiguities, making technical corrections, and providing administrative efficiencies. Signed Mon, Mar 25, 2024
5805 Senate Relating to developing a schedule for court appointment of attorneys for children and youth in dependency and termination proceedings. Signed Wed, Mar 13, 2024
6178 Senate Relating to aligning the legend drug act to reflect the prescriptive authority for licensed midwives. Signed Thu, Mar 14, 2024
6040 Senate Relating to prompt payment in public works. Signed Tue, Mar 26, 2024
6173 Senate Relating to affordable and supportive housing sales and use taxes and encouraging investments in affordable homeownership unit development. Signed Fri, Mar 15, 2024
6186 Senate Relating to disclosure of recipient information to the Washington state patrol for purposes of locating missing and murdered indigenous women and other missing and murdered indigenous persons. Signed Tue, Mar 19, 2024
5444 Senate Relating to restricting the possession of weapons, excluding carrying a pistol by a person licensed to carry a concealed pistol, on the premises of libraries, zoos, aquariums, and transit facilities. Signed Tue, Mar 26, 2024
5801 Senate Relating to the uniform special deposits act. Signed Wed, Mar 13, 2024
6316 Senate Relating to the state route number 520 corridor. Signed Tue, Mar 26, 2024
5998 Senate Relating to timing of eligibility for vacation of nonfelony convictions. Signed Tue, Mar 26, 2024
5424 Senate Relating to flexible work for general and limited authority Washington peace officers. Signed Thu, Mar 28, 2024
5952 Senate Relating to aligning deputy inspector credentials with national standards. Signed Mon, Mar 18, 2024
5508 Senate Relating to promoting local agriculture through greenhouses. Signed Wed, Mar 13, 2024
6006 Senate Relating to supporting victims of human trafficking and sexual abuse. Signed Tue, Mar 26, 2024