Governor's Distinguished Managers Association

About the association

The Governor’s Distinguished Managers Association (GDMA) provides Washington leaders a forum to collectively exchange ideas and experiences to improve public service and the professional development of members.

Membership is open to all persons who received the Governor’s Award for Leadership in Management. The award recognizes state government managers for their public service achievements.

2024-25 theme: Change Management

Change Management ranked lowest on the 2023 Washington State Overall Employee Engagement Survey, with only 48% of participants responding positively.

Agencies must be nimble and ready to adopt changes in the coming year, especially as state government faces ongoing changes in laws, technology and policies and pending implementation of new programs.

Members are encouraged to generate ideas and improvements across all agencies through the lens of this year's theme.

Board members

Elena Porshneva McGrew, President; Washington State Department of Enterprise Services
(360) 515-6082
