IMPORTANT POLICY NOTE: Submitted petitions will be screened to address the following approved policy change. “In most cases, absent unique or emergency circumstances, the Board will not consider a Petition until at least 10 years have passed from the date of conviction.” If unique or emergency circumstances exist and less than 10 years have elapsed since the date of conviction, please request review of your circumstances for exception to policy and provide documentation demonstrating such circumstances.
Petition for Reprieve, Commutation, or Pardon
Use these resources to file a petition for reprieve, commutation or pardon.
- Download and complete the Petition for Reprieve, Commutation or Pardon form (PDF).
- Follow these instructions (PDF) to complete and submit your petition.
- Review frequently asked questions (PDF) with your questions.
- Submit your petition via email to or via standard mail to
Washington State Clemency and Pardons Board
Office of the Attorney General
P.O. Box 40116
Olympia, WA 98504-0116
Petition for the restoration of right to engage in political office by persons convicted of federal offenses or out-of-state felonies
Your right to vote, and, thereby your right to engage in political office, may have been restored by law. Learn more about felony convictions from the Secretary of State.
- If you were convicted in Washington State Superior Court, your right to vote is restored as long as you are not either in prison or on community custody for that felony with the Washington State Department of Corrections (DOC). If you have questions about whether you are on community custody with DOC, call 1-800-430-9674.
- If you were convicted in another state or in federal court, your right to vote is restored as long as you are not incarcerated for that felony.
If your right to vote is restored by operation of law, you may register to vote. The right to engage in political office ordinarily is restored upon registration to vote. In these circumstances it is unnecessary for the Board to take any action restoring the right to engage in political office.
The Board is not aware of other circumstances in which the right to engage in political office is lost as a result of convictions for federal offenses or out-of-state felonies. However, if you believe a petition asking the Board for a certificate of restoration limited to engaging in political office is necessary due to unique circumstances, please email to explain the circumstances.
What happens next?
When your complete petition is received, you will be notified in writing via email or U.S. mail, depending on how your petition was submitted. Your petition will be submitted to the Board's Preliminary Review Committee for a determination as to whether it will be set for hearing before the full Clemency and Pardons Board. You will be notified in writing of the Preliminary Review Committee's determination. Please be patient as this can take several months.