Tacoma Narrows Bridge Citizen Advisory Committee

Serves in an advisory capacity to the Transportation Commission on all matters related to the imposition of tolls. Evaluations including the feasibility of providing discounts to frequent users, electronic transponder users, senior citizens, or students; the tradeoff of lower tolls versus the early retirement of debt; and a consideration of variable or time of day pricing.
Board Websitehttps://www.wsdot.wa.gov/tolling/tnbtolling/citizenadvisorycommittee.htm
Policy AreaTransportation and Economic Development
Governor Appointments9
Total Board Positions9
Statutory AuthorityRCW 47.46.090
Public Disclosure Required?No
Senate Confirmation Required?No
Term Length (years)0
Statutory Term Limits
Member Requirements: The governor shall appoint nine members to the committee, all of whom must be permanent residents of the affected project area.