Flag Status - Full staff
Prescription Drug Affordability Board
The Prescription Drug Affordability Board (PDAB) was enacted by the Legislature and signed by the Governor in 2022, with the goal of reducing Rx out-of-pocket costs to Washington consumers. The PDAB is to be a 5 member board appointed by the Governor, with administrative support from the Health Care Authority. The PDAB was vested with authority to analyze data from multiple sources to review the price and cost growth of prescription drugs and set upper payment limits on certain of those drugs that may lead to significant excess costs. PDAB and Advisory Board members may not be employees of, board members of, or consultants to, prescription drug manufacturers, PBMs, health careers, wholesale distributors, or related trade associations. It is anticipated that the PDAB will begin meeting in January of 2023. The PDAB’s authorizing statutes can be found in Chapter 70.405 RCW
Board Website | |
Policy Area | Health |
Governor Appointments | 5 |
Total Board Positions | 5 |
Statutory Authority | SB 5532 |
Public Disclosure Required? | No |
Senate Confirmation Required? | No |
Compensation | |
Term Length (years) | |
Statutory Term Limits | 5 |
Member Requirements: The Prescription Drug Affordability Board is established, to include five members who have expertise in health care economics or clinical medicine appointed by the governor. Board members shall serve for a term of five years and members may be reappointed by the governor for additional terms. No board member or advisory group member may be an employee of, a board of, or consultant to a prescription drug manufacturer, pharmacy benefit manager, health carrier, prescription drug wholesale distributor, or related trade association, except that a representative from the prescription drug industry serving on an advisory group may be an employee, consultant or board member of a prescription drug manufacturer or related trade association and shall not be deemed to have a conflict of interest. For the purposes of this section, a conflict of interest means association, including financial or personal association, that has the potential to bias or appear to bias an individual's decisions in matters related to the board or the activities of the board. The board shall establish advisory groups consisting of relevant stakeholders, including but not limited to patients and patient advocates for the condition treated by the drug and one member who is a representative of the prescription drug industry, for each drug affordability review conducted by the board pursuant to section 4 of this act.