Introducing the Governor at an Event

Please follow these guidelines if you’re introducing the Governor at an event:

  • Keep your remarks short (under 30 seconds). The simpler, the better.
  • Do not read from the “About Governor Ferguson” page on the website. Although this page can provide information about the Governor for your remarks, it is too lengthy to be read word-for-word.
  • Personalize your introduction. If you have a personal connection to the Governor or an interesting anecdote, use that in your introduction.
  • Tailor the introduction to your audience. Include a piece of information about the Governor that might be of particular interest to the audience. If you’d like help brainstorming ideas, ask your Governor’s Office event contact for assistance.
  • Ask your event contact for help. If you’re having trouble coming up with the right thing to say, your Governor’s Office event contact is here to assist you.

Sample Introduction

Although the following introduction works in a pinch, the ideal introduction is tailored to the audience.

Bob Ferguson is a fourth-generation Washingtonian and son of a public school teacher and a Boeing employee. Governor Ferguson has spent his career in public service standing up to powerful interests that don’t play by the rules, fighting for civil rights, and achieving victories for Washington families. He is an internationally rated chess master, avid mountain climber and backpacker, and enthusiastic softball dad. He and his wife, Colleen, are the proud parents of teenage twins, Jack and Katie.