Bill Actions

Bill action information from each legislative session is posted here. You can view footage of the bill signings on TVW. You can also find older veto messages in the Veto Archive.

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Veto Archive

Bill Number Chamber Description Governor's Action Signed Date
2097 House Relating to assisting workers in recovering wages owed. Signed Mon, Mar 18, 2024
2102 House Relating to establishing requirements for the disclosure of health care information for qualifying persons to receive paid family and medical leave benefits. Signed Mon, Mar 18, 2024
2246 House Relating to vacation leave accrual for state employees. Signed Mon, Mar 18, 2024
2415 House Relating to expanding economic assistance for individuals who are eligible for temporary assistance for needy families. Signed Mon, Mar 18, 2024
5150 Senate Relating to the beef commission's levied assessment. Signed Mon, Mar 18, 2024
1054 House Relating to the authority of owners' associations in common interest communities to regulate or limit occupancy by unrelated persons. Signed Mon, Mar 18, 2024
1105 House Relating to requiring public agencies to provide notice for public comment that includes the last date by which such public comment must be submitted. Signed Mon, Mar 18, 2024
1862 House Relating to providing tax exemptions for the assistance of disabled veterans and members of the armed forces of the United States of America. Signed Mon, Mar 18, 2024
5462 Senate Relating to promoting inclusive learning standards and instructional materials in public schools. Signed Mon, Mar 18, 2024
2321 House Relating to modifying middle housing requirements and the definitions of transit stop. Signed Mon, Mar 18, 2024
5785 Senate Relating to department of fish and wildlife authority with regard to certain nonprofit and volunteer organizations. Signed Mon, Mar 18, 2024
5800 Senate Relating to improving access to department of licensing issued documents by clarifying the application requirements for a minor, modifying the requirements for at-cost identicards, and studying the feasibility of reduced-fee identicards. Signed Mon, Mar 18, 2024
5838 Senate Relating to establishing an artificial intelligence task force. Signed Mon, Mar 18, 2024
5857 Senate Relating to reorganizing statutes on campaign disclosure and contribution. Signed Mon, Mar 18, 2024
1471 House Relating to modifying state procurement procedures for competitive, sole source, convenience, and emergency goods and services contracts. Signed Mon, Mar 18, 2024
1899 House Relating to facilitating reconstruction of communities damaged or destroyed by wildfires. Signed Mon, Mar 18, 2024
2032 House Relating to reducing the size of yard signs that are exempt from certain political advertising disclosure requirements. Signed Mon, Mar 18, 2024
6098 Senate Relating to accounts. Signed Mon, Mar 18, 2024
1929 House Relating to supporting young adults following inpatient behavioral health treatment. Signed Tue, Mar 19, 2024
1941 House Relating to providing for health home services for medicaid-eligible children with medically complex conditions. Signed Tue, Mar 19, 2024
1939 House Relating to adopting the social work licensure compact. Signed Tue, Mar 19, 2024
1012 House Relating to responding to extreme weather events. Signed Tue, Mar 19, 2024
1277 House Relating to improving the consistency and quality of the implementation of the fundamental course of study for paraeducators. Signed Tue, Mar 19, 2024
1652 House Relating to child support pass through. Signed Tue, Mar 19, 2024
1983 House Relating to the criminal justice treatment account. Signed Tue, Mar 19, 2024