Bill Actions

Bill action information from each legislative session is posted here. You can view footage of the bill signings on TVW. You can also find older veto messages in the Veto Archive.

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Veto Archive

Bill Number Chamber Description Governor's Action Signed Date
2045 House Relating to the creation of an adopt a fish barrier program. Signed Mon, Mar 25, 2024
2195 House Relating to strengthening the early learning facilities grant and loan program by revising criteria and providing resources to the Ruth LeCocq Kagi early learning facilities development account. Signed Mon, Mar 25, 2024
2213 House Relating to defects and omissions in the laws that have been identified by the justices of the supreme court or judges of the superior courts pursuant to Article IV, section 25 of the state Constitution. Signed Mon, Mar 25, 2024
2226 House Relating to collecting data on the H-2A worker program and from certain hand harvesters. Signed Mon, Mar 25, 2024
2347 House Relating to website information published by the department of social and health services regarding adult family homes. Signed Mon, Mar 25, 2024
2354 House Relating to creating an option for impacted taxing districts to provide a portion of their new revenue to support any tax increment area proposed within their jurisdiction and clarifying that a tax increment area must be dissolved when all bond obligations are paid. Signed Mon, Mar 25, 2024
2381 House Relating to increasing eligibility for economy and efficiency flexible school calendar waivers. Signed Mon, Mar 25, 2024
5798 Senate Relating to extending the required notice of cancellation or nonrenewal of certain types of insurance policies to 60 days. Signed Mon, Mar 25, 2024
2416 House Relating to changing the legal title for advanced practice nurses. Signed Mon, Mar 25, 2024
5802 Senate Relating to providing flexibility in calculation of nursing rates for the purposes of implementing new centers for medicare and medicaid services data. Signed Mon, Mar 25, 2024
6025 Senate Relating to protecting consumers from predatory loans. Signed Mon, Mar 25, 2024
6127 Senate Relating to increasing access to human immunodeficiency virus postexposure prophylaxis drugs or therapies. Signed Mon, Mar 25, 2024
1757 House Relating to providing a sales and use tax remittance to qualified farmers. Signed Mon, Mar 25, 2024
2147 House Relating to agriculture pest and disease response. Signed Mon, Mar 25, 2024
2441 House Relating to a pilot program eliminating college in the high school fees for private not-for-profit four-year institutions. Signed Mon, Mar 25, 2024
1239 House Relating to establishing a simple and uniform system for complaints related to, and instituting a code of educator ethics for, conduct within or involving public elementary and secondary schools. Signed Mon, Mar 25, 2024
2454 House Relating to extending an existing hazardous substance tax exemption for certain agricultural crop protection products that are temporarily warehoused but not otherwise used, manufactured, packaged, or sold in the state of Washington. Signed Mon, Mar 25, 2024
1300 House Relating to fraud in assisted reproduction. Signed Mon, Mar 25, 2024
1870 House Relating to promoting economic development by increasing opportunities for local communities to secure federal funding. Signed Mon, Mar 25, 2024
2180 House Relating to increasing the special education enrollment funding cap. Signed Mon, Mar 25, 2024
2357 House Relating to establishment of a state patrol longevity bonus. Signed Mon, Mar 25, 2024
2236 House Relating to expanding and strengthening career and technical education core plus programs. Signed Mon, Mar 25, 2024
2207 House Relating to providing tools designed to reduce the impacts of unlawful solid waste dumping. Signed Mon, Mar 25, 2024
6105 Senate Relating to creating safer working conditions in adult entertainment establishments. Signed Mon, Mar 25, 2024
1948 House Relating to ensuring that methods for calculating the electric load of utilities under the energy independence act do not have the effect of discouraging voluntary investments in renewable power. Signed Tue, Mar 26, 2024