Bill Actions

Bill action information from each legislative session is posted here. You can view footage of the bill signings on TVW. You can also find older veto messages in the Veto Archive.

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Veto Archive

Bill Number Chamber Description Governor's Action Signed Date
2019 House Relating to establishing a Native American apprentice assistance program. Signed Tue, Mar 19, 2024
2335 House Relating to state-tribal education compacts. Signed Tue, Mar 19, 2024
5940 Senate Relating to creating a medical assistant-EMT certification. Signed Tue, Mar 19, 2024
2112 House Relating to opioid and fentanyl prevention education and awareness at institutions of higher education. Signed Tue, Mar 19, 2024
1228 House Relating to building a multilingual, multiliterate Washington through dual and tribal language education. Signed Tue, Mar 19, 2024
5580 Senate Relating to improving maternal health outcomes. Signed Tue, Mar 19, 2024
5986 Senate Relating to protecting consumers from charges for out-of-network health care services by prohibiting balance billing for ground ambulance services and addressing coverage of transports to treatment for emergency medical conditions. Signed Tue, Mar 19, 2024
1877 House Relating to improving the Washington state behavioral health system for better coordination and recognition with the Indian behavioral health system. Signed Tue, Mar 19, 2024
1956 House Relating to fentanyl and other substance use prevention education. Signed Tue, Mar 19, 2024
5481 Senate Relating to the uniform law commission's uniform telehealth act. Signed Tue, Mar 19, 2024
2135 House Relating to including federally recognized tribes as part of the Washington emergency management division emergency worker program. Signed Tue, Mar 19, 2024
5906 Senate Relating to implementing a statewide drug overdose prevention and education campaign. Signed Tue, Mar 19, 2024
6146 Senate Relating to tribal warrants. Signed Tue, Mar 19, 2024
5804 Senate Relating to opioid overdose reversal medication in public schools. Signed Tue, Mar 19, 2024
6099 Senate Relating to creating the tribal opioid prevention and treatment account. Signed Tue, Mar 19, 2024
5799 Senate Relating to the sale of halal food products. Signed Mon, Mar 25, 2024
5213 Senate Relating to pharmacy benefit managers. Signed Mon, Mar 25, 2024
5881 Senate Relating to membership in the public employees' retirement system for certain part-time bus drivers employed full-time by the federal government. Signed Mon, Mar 25, 2024
6215 Senate Relating to improving tax and revenue laws in a manner that is not estimated to affect state or local tax collections as reflected on any fiscal note for this act, including provisions easing compliance burdens for taxpayers, clarifying ambiguities, making technical corrections, and providing administrative efficiencies. Signed Mon, Mar 25, 2024
1942 House Relating to clarifying employment standards for long-term care individual providers. Signed Mon, Mar 25, 2024
1979 House Relating to reducing the cost of inhalers and epinephrine autoinjectors. Signed Mon, Mar 25, 2024
5376 Senate Relating to the sale of cannabis waste. Signed Mon, Mar 25, 2024
5983 Senate Relating to implementing recommendations from the 2022 sexually transmitted infection and hepatitis B virus legislative advisory group for the treatment of syphilis. Signed Mon, Mar 25, 2024
1377 House Relating to posting of approved courses and providers of continuing education on equity-based school practices, the national professional standards for education leaders, and government-to-government relationships, which is currently required for administrators and teachers. Signed Mon, Mar 25, 2024
1945 House Relating to streamlining and enhancing program access for persons eligible for food assistance. Signed Mon, Mar 25, 2024