Board & Commission Profiles

Below you will find detailed information on each state board and commission to which Gov. Ferguson has appointment authority. Click below to view the boards -- these profiles will provide you with the detailed information about each board, including board members. You can also view all recently appointed board members.

If you have additional questions about boards and commissions please contact the Office of the Governor at (360)902-4111 or email.

Boards and Commissions

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Freight Mobility Strategic Investment Board

Facilitates freight movement between and among local, national, and international markets which enhances trade opportunities. The Board is also finds solutions that lessen the impact of the movement of freight on local communities.
Board Website
Policy AreaTransportation and Economic Development
Governor Appointments17
Total Board Positions17
Statutory AuthorityRCW 47.06A
Public Disclosure Required?No
Senate Confirmation Required?No
CompensationTravel reimbursement
Term Length (years)4
Statutory Term Limits
Member Requirements: Two members, one from a city located within a strategic freight corridor, nominated by the Association of Washington Cities; two members, one from a county having a strategic freight corridor within its boundaries, nominated by the Washington State Association of Counties; two members, one from a port district located within or along a strategic freight corridor, nominated by the Washington Public Ports Association; one member representing the trucking industry; one member representing the railroads; one member representing the steamship industry; one member of the general public.