Board & Commission Profiles

Below you will find detailed information on each state board and commission to which Gov. Ferguson has appointment authority. Click below to view the boards -- these profiles will provide you with the detailed information about each board, including board members. You can also view all recently appointed board members.

If you have additional questions about boards and commissions please contact the Office of the Governor at (360)902-4111 or email.

Boards and Commissions

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Gambling Commission

Licenses, inspects, investigates, and audits organizations, businesses, and individuals participating in authorized gambling activities.
Board Website
Policy AreaGeneral Government
Governor Appointments5
Total Board Positions9
Statutory AuthorityRCW 9.46.040
Public Disclosure Required?Yes
Senate Confirmation Required?Yes
CompensationReimbursement and per diem
Term Length (years)6
Statutory Term Limits
Member Requirements: Members are prohibited from serving as officers or managers of any corporation or organization which conducts a lottery or gambling activity; cannot receive or share in, directly or indirectly, the gross profits of any gambling activities regulated by the commission; must not be beneficially interested in any contract for the manufacture or sale of gambling devices, the conduct of a gambling activity, or the provision of independent consultant service in connection with a gambling activity.

Grays Harbor College Board of Trustees

Establishes and reviews college policies and oversees the general management of Grays Harbor College. The Board also sets the college's strategic direction, approves budgets, and represents the public interest and functions to ensure the basic fiscal integrity of the college.
Board Website
Policy AreaEducation
Governor Appointments5
Total Board Positions5
Statutory AuthorityRCW 28B.50.100
Public Disclosure Required?Yes
Senate Confirmation Required?Yes
CompensationExpenses only
Term Length (years)5
Statutory Term Limits
Member Requirements: Trustees must be a resident and qualified elector of the college district and may not be an employee of the community and technical college system, a member of the board of directors of any school district, or a member of the governing board of any public or private educational institution.

The governor shall give consideration to geographical diversity, and representing labor, business, women, and racial and ethnic minorities.

Green River College Board of Trustees

Establishes and reviews college policies and oversees the general management of Green River Community College. The Board also sets the college's strategic direction, approves budgets, and represents the public interest and functions to ensure the basic fiscal integrity of the college.
Board Website
Policy AreaEducation
Governor Appointments5
Total Board Positions5
Statutory AuthorityRCW 28B.50.100
Public Disclosure Required?Yes
Senate Confirmation Required?Yes
CompensationExpenses only
Term Length (years)5
Statutory Term Limits
Member Requirements: Trustees must be a resident and qualified elector of the college district and may not be an employee of the community and technical college system, a member of the board of directors of any school district, or a member of the governing board of any public or private educational institution.

The governor shall give consideration to geographical diversity, and representing labor, business, women, and racial and ethnic minorities.

Growth Management Hearings Board

Helps local governments manage growth and serves the citizens of the State of Washington. The Board makes informed decisions on appeals arising from the implementation of the Growth Management Act in a clear, consistent, timely and impartial manner that recognizes the diversity of the three board jurisdictional regions. It was created by the Growth Management Act (GMA), RCW 36.70A, in 1990, which sought to create a method for comprehensive land use planning involving citizens, communities, counties, cities, and the private sector that would prevent uncoordinated and unplanned growth.
Board Website
Policy Area
Governor Appointments5
Total Board Positions5
Statutory AuthorityRCW 36.70A.250
Public Disclosure Required?No
Senate Confirmation Required?No
Term Length (years)6
Statutory Term Limits
Member Requirements: The board shall consist of five members qualified by experience or training in matters pertaining to land use law or land use planning and who have experience in the practical application of those matters. At least three members of the board shall be admitted to practice law in this state, one each residing respectively in the central Puget Sound, eastern Washington, and western Washington regions. At least two members of the board shall have been a city or county elected official, one each residing respectively in the central Puget Sound, eastern Washington, and western Washington regions. No more than three members of the five-member board may be members of the same major political party. No more than two members at the time of their appointment or during their term may reside in the same county.

Guaranteed Education Tuition Program Governing Board

Administers the advanced college tuition payment program and the Washington college savings plan, which helps families with young children save for future higher education expenses.
Board Website
Policy AreaEducation
Governor Appointments2
Total Board Positions5
Statutory AuthorityRCW 28.95.020(5) & RCW 28B.95.030
Public Disclosure Required?No
Senate Confirmation Required?No
CompensationTravel reimbursement
Term Length (years)0
Statutory Term Limits
Member Requirements: One community member who represents program participants and one business person with marketing, public relations, or financial expertise.