“I hear every day from people who want to go back to work, open their businesses and spend time with their friends and family. Most of them are doing what must be done first to accomplish that: They’re staying home.
"These are difficult and frustrating times. I understand the urgency of this crisis. However, this is not the time to halt the progress we have made. I encourage everyone in our state to stay home, stay healthy and, if you need to go out, practice adequate physical distancing.
“Comments in the news today by some Republican legislators calling for 'open rebellion,' claiming a 'deep state' plot and other radical statements are irresponsible and could needlessly lead to more people getting sick. I hope Republican legislative leaders will speak out against such rhetoric from their members.
“I support free speech. But crowd counts or speeches won’t determine our course. This isn’t about politics. It can only be about doing what is best for the health of all Washingtonians.”