Gov. Inslee's request for additional federal assistance approved by President Obama

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OLYMPIA, WA – Gov. Jay Inslee this morning learned that President Obama has approved his request for an amended federal Emergency Declaration. This decision means the federal government will reimburse a portion of the costs accrued to provide emergency protective measures and response following the Oso landslide.

“I can’t thank the President enough for his quick action on this request,” Inslee said. “A disaster of this magnitude requires around-the-clock response with every available resource. This news is extremely helpful to the many organizations and governments responding to this disaster and contributing to all our search efforts.”

Inslee requested the amendment late yesterday afternoon and learned early this morning that the request had been approved. The declaration allows the federal government to reimburse eligible local and state agencies and non-profit organizations for 75 percent of eligible costs.

Media Contacts

State Military Department Communications
Karina Shagren