Board & Commission Profiles

Below you will find detailed information on each state board and commission to which Gov. Inslee has appointment authority. Click below to view the boards -- these profiles will provide you with the detailed information about each board, including board members. You can also view all recently appointed board members.

If you have additional questions about boards and commissions please contact the Office of the Governor at (360)902-4111 or email.

Boards and Commissions

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Educational Opportunity Gap Oversight and Accountability Committee

Synthesizes findings and recommendations from the 2008 studies into an implementation plan, and recommends policies and strategies in specified areas of the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI), Professional Educator Standards Board (PESB), and the State Board of Education (SBE) to close the achievement gap.
Board Website
Policy AreaEducation
Governor Appointments4
Total Board Positions11
Statutory AuthorityRCW 28A.300.136
Public Disclosure Required?No
Senate Confirmation Required?No
Term Length (years)0
Statutory Term Limits
Member Requirements: Four members appointed by the governor in consultation with the state ethnic commissions, who represent the following populations: African-Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans, and Pacific Islander Americans.

Electrical Board

Establishes general and specialty electrical contractors' licenses and prepares/administers written examinations and advise the Department of Labor & Industries director on the need for additional electrical inspectors and changes in electrical codes.
Board Website
Policy AreaLabor
Governor Appointments15
Total Board Positions15
Statutory AuthorityRCW 19.28.311
Public Disclosure Required?No
Senate Confirmation Required?No
CompensationTravel Reimbursement and compensation
Term Length (years)4
Statutory Term Limits
Member Requirements: One employee or officer of a corporation or public agency generating or distributing electrical power; two licensed electrical contractors; one licensed electrical contractor and representative of electrical industry trade association; one employee, officer or representative of firm engaged in manufacturing or distributing electrical materials, equipment or devices; one general public w/knowledge of electrical industry, but not related to electrical industry; three certified electricians; one licensed professional electrical engineer qualified to do business in Washington.

Energy Facility Site Evaluation Council

Provides "one-stop" siting process for major energy families in the State of Washington. It also coordinates all evaluation and licensing steps for siting certain energy facilities in Washington, and develops terms and conditions for constructing and operating sites. EFSEC also manages an environmental and safety oversight program of facility and site operations to adopt, promulgate, and amend suitable rules and regulations, pursuant to applicable law.
Board Website
Policy AreaClimate and Energy
Governor Appointments1
Total Board Positions6
Statutory AuthorityRCW 80.50.030
Public Disclosure Required?Yes
Senate Confirmation Required?Yes
Term Length (years)4
Statutory Term Limits
Member Requirements: Governor appoints the chair who serves a term concurrent with the Governor.

Energy Northwest Executive Board

Produces reliable, affordable, safe, and environmentally responsible electric power and delivers it to Northwest public power utilities. As a joint-operating agency and municipal corporation, the agency owns and operates four electricity generating facilities: White Bluffs Solar Station, Packwood Lake Hydroelectric Project, Nine Canyon Wind Project, and Columbia Generating Station. EN also provides operations and maintenance services for generating facilities owned by other utilities.
Board Website
Policy AreaClimate and Energy
Governor Appointments3
Total Board Positions11
Statutory AuthorityRCW 43.52.374
Public Disclosure Required?Yes
Senate Confirmation Required?Yes
CompensationSalaried - "salary from the operating agency as fixed by the governor"
Term Length (years)4
Statutory Term Limits
Member Requirements: Six members of the executive board shall be outside directors. Three shall be selected and appointed by the board of directors, and three shall be selected and appointed by the governor and confirmed by the senate.

Engineers and Land Surveyors, Board of Registration for Professional

Examines candidates for license or registration; investigates and holds hearings on violations of the regulatory law, and recommends and adopts rules and regulations for administering the law.
Board Website
Policy AreaGeneral Government
Governor Appointments7
Total Board Positions7
Statutory AuthorityRCW 18.43.030
Public Disclosure Required?No
Senate Confirmation Required?No
Compensation$50 per diem and travel reimbursement
Term Length (years)5
Statutory Term Limits
Member Requirements: Five registered professional engineers and two registered professional land surveyors. All members shall have been actively engaged in the practice of engineering or land surveying for at least ten years subsequent to registration, five of which shall have been immediately prior to their appointment. In addition, each member shall be a citizen of the United States and shall have been a resident of this state for at least five years immediately preceding appointment. No member may serve more than two consecutive terms.

Environmental Justice Council

Providing recommendations and guidance to the state on implementing environmental justice requirements, identifying overburdened communities, and tracking progress toward increasing health equity and ensuring environmental justice throughout Washington. Providing recommendations on development and implementation of climate programs, including programs funded from carbon revenues.
Board Website
Policy AreaNatural Resources and Environment
Governor Appointments16
Total Board Positions16
Statutory AuthorityRCW 70A.02.110
Public Disclosure Required?No
Senate Confirmation Required?No
Term Length (years)
Statutory Term Limits4 year term, 2 year term for youth representative
Member Requirements: The environmental justice council is established to advise covered agencies on incorporating environmental justice into agency activities.

Everett Community College Board of Trustees

Establishes and reviews college policies and oversees the general management of Everett Community College. The Board also sets the college's strategic direction, approves budgets, and represents the public interest and functions to ensure the basic fiscal integrity of the college.
Board Website
Policy AreaEducation
Governor Appointments5
Total Board Positions5
Statutory AuthorityRCW 28B.50.100
Public Disclosure Required?Yes
Senate Confirmation Required?Yes
CompensationExpenses only
Term Length (years)5
Statutory Term Limits
Member Requirements: Trustees must be a resident and qualified elector of the college district and may not be an employee of the community and technical college system, a member of the board of directors of any school district, or a member of the governing board of any public or private educational institution.

The governor shall give consideration to geographical diversity, and representing labor, business, women, and racial and ethnic minorities.

Evergreen State College Board of Trustees, The

Establishes and reviews college policies and oversees the general management of The Evergreen State College. The Board also sets the college's strategic direction, approves budgets, and represents the public interest and functions to ensure the basic fiscal integrity of the college.
Board Website
Policy AreaEducation
Governor Appointments8
Total Board Positions8
Statutory AuthorityRCW 28B.40.100
Public Disclosure Required?Yes
Senate Confirmation Required?Yes
CompensationTravel expenses
Term Length (years)6
Statutory Term Limits
Member Requirements: Seven general public members and one student member.

The student member must be selected from a list of candidates, of at least three and not more than five, submitted by the governing body of the associated students and must be a full-time student in good standing at the college at the time of appointment.

Executive Ethics Board

Enforces state ethics legislation with respect to statewide elected officials and all other officers and employees in the executive branch, boards and commissions, and institutions of higher education.
Board Website
Policy AreaGeneral Government
Governor Appointments5
Total Board Positions5
Statutory AuthorityRCW 42.52.350
Public Disclosure Required?Yes
Senate Confirmation Required?No
Compensation$100 per day plus reimbursed for travel expenses
Term Length (years)5
Statutory Term LimitsExcept for initial members and members completing partial terms, members shall serve a single five-year term.
Member Requirements: One appointee from each of the following organizations: classified state employee; a state officer or state employee in an exempt position; a nominee of the attorney general; a nominee of the state auditor; and one citizen at large. No more than three members may be identified with the same political party. Members may serve only one full term.

1) No member of the executive ethics board may (a) hold or campaign for partisan elective office other than the position of precinct committeeperson, or any full-time nonpartisan office; (b) be an officer of any political party or political committee as defined in chapter 42.17A RCW other than the position of precinct committeeperson; (c) permit his or her name to be used, or make contributions, in support of or in opposition to any state candidate or state ballot measure; or (d) lobby or control, direct, or assist a lobbyist except that such member may appear before any committee of the legislature on matters pertaining to this chapter.

(2) No citizen member of the legislative ethics board may (a) hold or campaign for partisan elective office other than the position of precinct committeeperson, or any full-time nonpartisan office; (b) be an officer of any political party or political committee as defined in chapter 42.17A RCW, other than the position of precinct committeeperson; (c) permit his or her name to be used, or make contributions, in support of or in opposition to any legislative candidate, any legislative caucus campaign committee that supports or opposes legislative candidates, or any political action committee that supports or opposes legislative candidates; or (d) engage in lobbying in the legislative branch under circumstances not exempt, under RCW 42.17A.610, from lobbyist registration and reporting.

(3) No citizen member of the legislative ethics board may hold or campaign for a seat in the state house of representatives or the state senate within two years of serving on the board if the citizen member opposes an incumbent who has been the respondent in a complaint before the board.

Family Medicine Education Advisory Board

Considers and provides recommendations on the selection of areas within the state where residency educational programs in family medicine could exist, the allocation of funds appropriated for family medicine education and residency programs, and the procedures for review and evaluation of these residency programs, with the intent of increasing the number of family medicine physicians in shortage areas in Washington by providing a fiscal incentive for hospitals nd clinics to develop or expand residency programs in these areas; determines the number of these programs in keeping with the needs of the state.
Board Website
Policy AreaHealth
Governor Appointments2
Total Board Positions11
Statutory AuthorityE2SHB 14.85.SL (RCW 70.112)
Public Disclosure Required?No
Senate Confirmation Required?No
CompensationNot specified
Term Length (years)4
Statutory Term LimitsMembers may serve two consecutive terms.
Member Requirements: Two citizen members, one from west of the crest of the Cascade mountains and one from east of the crest of the Cascade mountains, appointed by the governor.

Filmworks (Motion Picture Competitiveness Program) Board of Directors, Washington

Establishes the qualifying criteria, reviews applications, and issues final determinations as to which productions will have the most favorable economic impact to the state and therefore will be awarded a rebate from the motion picture competitiveness fund. The Washington Filmworks sets to create economic development opportunities by building and enhancing the competitiveness, profile and sustainability of Washington's film industry.
Board Website
Policy AreaGeneral Government
Governor Appointments13
Total Board Positions13
Statutory AuthorityRCW 43.365.030
Public Disclosure Required?No
Senate Confirmation Required?No
Term Length (years)4
Statutory Term Limits
Member Requirements: Chair seat does not have any specific requirements and can alternate between members.

The board must consist of the following members: Two members representing the Washington motion picture production industry, one of whom must demonstrate expertise in the financing of motion picture projects; One member representing technologies impacting the Washington emerging motion picture industry; Three members representing industries and businesses impacted by motion picture production, one of whom must represent industries or businesses located east of the crest of the Cascade mountain range and one of whom must represent industries or businesses located west of the crest of the Cascade mountain range; Two cochairs of the board's equity committee, not already serving on the board, recommended by the board to the governor; and two cochairs of the board's advisory committee, also known as the film leadership council, not already serving on the board, recommended by the board to the governor.

Financial Education Public-Private Partnership

Brings together individuals from both the public and private sector in any effort to provide quality financial education for students in the public school system. The partnership identifies strategies to increase the financial education of students, provides quality financial education information for school districts and also instructional materials and professional development. The purpose of the partnership is to equip students with the knowledge and skills they need before they become self-supporting, in order to make critical decisions regarding their personal finances.
Board Website
Policy AreaEducation
Governor Appointments4
Total Board Positions16
Statutory AuthorityRCW 28A.300.450
Public Disclosure Required?No
Senate Confirmation Required?No
CompensationTravel and Expenses
Term Length (years)2
Statutory Term Limits
Member Requirements: Four representatives from the private for-profit and nonprofit financial services sector, including at least one representative from the jumpstart coalition, to be appointed by the governor.

Fish and Wildlife Commission

Establishes policies and regulations designed to preserve, protect, and perpetuate the fish and wildlife of the state, as well as fish and game habitat.
Board Website
Policy AreaNatural Resources and Environment
Governor Appointments9
Total Board Positions9
Statutory AuthorityRCW 77.04.030
Public Disclosure Required?Yes
Senate Confirmation Required?Yes
Compensation$100 per day plus reimbursed for travel expenses
Term Length (years)6
Statutory Term Limits
Member Requirements: the governor shall appoint with the advice and consent of the senate; At least three members shall be residents of that portion of the state lying east of the summit of the Cascade mountains, and three shall be residents of that portion of the state lying west of the summit of the Cascade mountains. Three additional members shall be appointed at-large. No two members may be residents of the same county.

Fisheries Advisory Body, North Pacific and Bering Sea

The United States and the Russian Federation hold regular consultations on fisheries and marine conservation issues through a bilateral International Consultative Committee (ICC). The twelve-member North Pacific and Bering Sea Fisheries Advisory Body advises the US representative to the ICC. This body includes representatives from the State of Washington, the State of Alaska, and ten other individuals nominated by the governors of those states.

Established under a comprehensive fisheries agreement the United States concluded with the Soviet Union on May 31, 1988, and continued under the U.S.-Russia agreement that took its place, the ICC is responsible for maintaining a mutually beneficial and equitable fisheries relationship through (1) cooperative scientific research and exchanges; (2) reciprocal allocation of surplus fish resources in the respective national 200-mile zones, consistent with each nation's laws and regulations; (3) cooperation in the establishment of fishery joint ventures; (4) general consultations on fisheries matters of mutual concern; and, (5) cooperation to address illegal or unregulated fishing activities on the high seas of the North Pacific Ocean and Bering Sea.

The advisory body established shall consist of 12 members, as follows:

(A) The Director of the Department of Fisheries of the State of Washington.

(B) The Commission of the Department of Fish and Game of the State of Alaska.

(C) Five members appointed by the Secretary of State from among persons nominated by the Governor of Alaska on the basis of their knowledge and experience in commercial harvesting, processing, or marketing of fishery resources.

(D) Five members appointed by the Secretary of State from among persons nominated by the Governor of Washington on the basis of their knowledge and experience in commercial harvesting, processing, or marketing of fishery resources.
Board Website
Policy AreaNatural Resources and Environment
Governor Appointments6
Total Board Positions12
Statutory AuthorityPublic Law 100-629, Sec. 5, Nov. 7, 1988, 102 Stat. 3287
Public Disclosure Required?No
Senate Confirmation Required?No
Term Length (years)0
Statutory Term Limits
Member Requirements: One member shall be the Director of the WA Department of Fish & Wildlife. Five members shall be appointed by the Secretary of State from among persons nominated by the Governor of Washington on the basis of their knowledge and experience in commercial harvesting, processing, or marketing of fishery resources.

Fisheries Commission, Pacific States Marine

Established in 1947 by consent of Congress, the Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission is an interstate compact agency that helps resource agencies and the fishing industry sustainably manage Pacific Ocean resources in a five-state region. Member states include California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, and Alaska; each represented by three Commissioners. PSMFC's primary goal is to promote and support policies and actions to conserve, develop, and manage the fishery resources in the five member states. This is accomplished through coordinating research activities, monitoring fishing activities, and facilitating a wide variety of projects. Commission members set policy, approve budgets, and provide direction to staff for all Commission activities.
Board Website
Policy AreaNatural Resources and Environment
Governor Appointments2
Total Board Positions15
Statutory AuthorityRCW 77.75.040
Public Disclosure Required?No
Senate Confirmation Required?Yes
Term Length (years)4
Statutory Term Limits
Member Requirements: Two appointees of the governor representing the fishing industry