Board & Commission Profiles

Below you will find detailed information on each state board and commission to which Gov. Inslee has appointment authority. Click below to view the boards -- these profiles will provide you with the detailed information about each board, including board members. You can also view all recently appointed board members.

If you have additional questions about boards and commissions please contact the Office of the Governor at (360)902-4111 or email.

Boards and Commissions

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Salaries for Elected Officials, Citizens' Commission on

Oversees and implements a collaborative salary system that reflects the duties of the elected officials in the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial Branches of state government in support of the Public. The scope includes all judges of the Supreme Court, Court of Appeals, Superior Court, and District Courts.
Board Website
Policy AreaGeneral Government
Governor Appointments16
Total Board Positions19
Statutory AuthorityRCW 43.03.305
Public Disclosure Required?No
Senate Confirmation Required?No
CompensationPer diem
Term Length (years)4
Statutory Term Limits
Member Requirements: Members are selected by lot by the Secretary of State from registered voters in each congressional district, each of which has one representative member. The other members are selected jointly by the speaker of the house and the president of the senate, and their names are submitted to the Governor for appointment. Five members must have experience in personnel management, one each from the following sectors: business, professional personnel management, legal profession, organized labor, private institution of higher education; one recommended by the state Personnel Resource Board; and one recommended by majority vote of the presidents of the state's four-year institutions of higher education. No member may serve more than two full terms.

Salmon Commission Fraser River Panel, Pacific

The Pacific Salmon Commission Fraser River Panel has special responsibility for in-season regulation of Fraser River-origin sockeye and pink salmon fisheries in southern British Columbia and northern Puget Sound.

Prior to the fishing season, the Panel recommends a fishery regime and a management plan for Panel Area fisheries to the Pacific Salmon Commission (PSC). The plan is based on abundance and timing forecasts and escapement targets for Fraser River sockeye and pink salmon stocks provided by Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO); international catch allocation goals set by the agreements between the Parties; domestic catch allocation goals of each country; management concerns for other stocks and species also identified by each country; and historic patterns in migration and fisheries dynamics. The objectives that guide the Panel's decision-making are to achieve the spawning escapement targets, meet international catch allocation goals, and meet domestic catch allocation objectives.

The United States shall be represented on the Fraser River Panel by four Panel members, of whom:

(1) one shall be an official of the United States Government, with salmon fishery management responsibility and expertise;

(2) one shall be an official of the State of Washington, with salmon fishery management responsibility and expertise, appointed by the Governor of Washington. The Governor may also designate an alternate Panel member, meeting the same qualifications and having the same term of office, to service in the absence of a Panel member

(3) one shall be appointed from a list submitted by the treaty Indian tribes of individuals with salmon fishery management responsibility and expertise for the fisheries for which the Fraser River Panel is responsible; and

(4) one shall be from the commercial sector of the salmon fishing industry concerned with fisheries for which the Fraser River Panel is responsible and shall be appointed by the US Secretary of Commerce from the list of nominations provided by the Governor of Washington. The Secretary may also designate an alternate Panel member, meeting the same qualifications and having the same term of office, to service in the absence of a Panel member.
Board Website
Policy AreaNatural Resources and Environment
Governor Appointments4
Total Board Positions4
Statutory AuthorityPacific Salmon Treaty Act of 1985 (16 U.S.C. 3631)
Public Disclosure Required?No
Senate Confirmation Required?No
Term Length (years)4
Statutory Term Limits
Member Requirements: One member and one alternate shall be an official of the State of Washington with salmon fishery management responsibility and expertise, appointed by the Governor. One member and one alternate shall be from the commercial sector of the salmon fishing industry concerned with fisheries for which the Fraser River Panel is responsible, and shall be appointed by the US Secretary of Commerce from the list of nominations provided by the Governor of Washington. Designated alternate Panel member will meet the same qualifications and having the same term of office as the primary member.

One member and alternate APPOINTED by the Governor (state official seat). One member and one alternate NOMINATED by the Governor and appointed by US Secretary of Commerce (fishing industry seat).

Salmon Commission Southern Panel, Pacific

Under the terms of the Pacific Salmon Treaty, the Pacific Salmon Commission Southern Panel has responsibility for salmon originating in rivers with mouths south of Cape Caution, with the exception of Fraser River sockeye and pink salmon. The Panel is made up of no more than six representatives and alternates from each country. Membership reflects a range of governmental and fishing interests, including representatives from both the commercial and recreational fishing industries. It provides recommendations and comment on the management of the fisheries in its area of responsibility before and after each season's harvest. This is done by reviewing technical data on annual fishing plans and regulations, and the salmon enhancement programs of each country. The Panel also provides the Commission with specific recommendations for the development of fishery plans.

The United States shall be represented on the southern Panel by six Panel members, of whom:
(1) one shall be an official of the United States Government, with salmon fishery management responsibility and expertise;
(2) one shall be an official of the State of Oregon, with salmon fishery management responsibility and expertise;
(3) one shall be an official of the State of Washington, with salmon fishery management responsibility and expertise, appointed by the Governor of Washington. The Governor may also designate an alternate Panel member, meeting the same qualifications and having the same term of office, to service in the absence of the Panel member
(4) two shall be appointed from a list submitted by the treaty Indian tribes of individuals with salmon fishery management responsibility and expertise; and
(5) one shall be from the commercial or recreational sector who is knowledgeable and experienced in the salmon fisheries for which the southern Panel is responsible, and shall be appointed by the US Secretary of Commerce from the list of nominations provided by the Governors of Washington and Oregon. The Secretary may also designate an alternate Panel member, meeting the same qualifications and having the same term of office, to service in the absence of the Panel member. Fishing industry representatives shall each be appointed for one year terms; member and alternate positions shall rotate between the commercial and recreational sectors on an annual basis.
Board Website
Policy AreaNatural Resources and Environment
Governor Appointments4
Total Board Positions6
Statutory AuthorityPacific Salmon Treaty Act of 1985 (16 U.S.C. 3631)
Public Disclosure Required?No
Senate Confirmation Required?No
Term Length (years)4
Statutory Term Limits
Member Requirements: One member and one alternate shall be officials of the State of Washington, with salmon fishery management responsibility and expertise. One member and one alternate shall be representatives from the commercial or recreational sector who are knowledgeable and experienced in the salmon fisheries for which the southern Panel is responsible. Fishing industry representatives shall each be appointed for one year terms; member and alternate positions shall rotate between the commercial and recreational sectors on an annual basis.

One member and alternate APPOINTED by the Governor (state official seats). One member and one alternate NOMINATED by the Governors of Washington AND Oregon and appointed by US Secretary of Commerce (fishing industry seats) from the combined list.

Salmon Commission, Pacific

Conserves the Pacific Salmon in order to achieve optimum production, and second, to divide the harvests so that each country reaps the benefits of its investment in salmon management. The commission was formed by the governments of Canada and the United States to implement the Pacific Salmon Treaty.
Board Website
Policy AreaNatural Resources and Environment
Governor Appointments1
Total Board Positions16
Statutory AuthorityFederal Pacific Salmon Treaty Act of 1985 (16 U.S.C. 3631)
Public Disclosure Required?No
Senate Confirmation Required?No
Term Length (years)4
Statutory Term LimitsNone
Member Requirements: One resident of the States of Oregon or Washington who is knowledgeable or experienced concerning Pacific salmon, appointed by the President from a list of at least six qualified individuals nominated by the Governors of those States. One alternate from the same list to be designated by the Secretary of State, in consultation with the Secretary of Commerce and the Secretary of the Interior.

Salmon Recovery Funding Board

Provides grants to protect and restore salmon habitat and assists related activities from the amounts appropriated to the Board. The Board also makes and executes all manner of contracts and agreements, including accepting gifts, grants, or loans of funds, property, or financial aid in any form from any other source.
Board Website
Policy AreaNatural Resources and Environment
Governor Appointments5
Total Board Positions10
Statutory AuthorityRCW 77.85.110
Public Disclosure Required?Yes
Senate Confirmation Required?Yes
Compensation$100 per day plus reimbursed for travel expenses
Term Length (years)4
Statutory Term Limits
Member Requirements: The governor appoints five members of the board. One of the voting members shall be a cabinet-level appointment as the governor's representative to the board. Board members will represent the general public and shall not have a financial or regulatory interest in salmon recovery. The Governor will appoint the chair from the general public members.

School Employees' Benefits Board

The function of the board is to design and approve insurance benefit plans for school employees and to establish eligibility criteria for participation in insurance benefit plans.
Board Website
Policy AreaEducation
Governor Appointments9
Total Board Positions9
Statutory AuthorityRCW 41.05.740
Public Disclosure Required?No
Senate Confirmation Required?No
CompensationTravel reimbursement
Term Length (years)2
Statutory Term Limitsn/a
Member Requirements: The governor shall appoint the following voting members to the board as follows: (a) Two members from associations representing certificated employees; (b) Two members from associations representing classified employees; (c) Four members with expertise in employee health benefits policy and administration, one of which is nominated by an association representing school business officials; and (d) The director of the authority or his or her designee.

Seattle College District Board of Trustees

Establishes and reviews college policies and oversees the general management of the Seattle College District- Seattle Central College, North Seattle College, South Seattle College, and the Seattle Vocational Institute. The Board also sets the college's strategic direction, approves budgets, and represents the public interest and functions to ensure the basic fiscal integrity of the college.
Board Website
Policy AreaEducation
Governor Appointments5
Total Board Positions5
Statutory AuthorityRCW 28B.50.100
Public Disclosure Required?Yes
Senate Confirmation Required?Yes
CompensationExpenses only
Term Length (years)5
Statutory Term Limits
Member Requirements: Trustees must be a resident and qualified elector of the college district and may not be an employee of the community and technical college system, a member of the board of directors of any school district, or a member of the governing board of any public or private educational institution.

The governor shall give consideration to geographical diversity, and representing labor, business, women, and racial and ethnic minorities.

Sentencing Guidelines Commission

Promotes accountability and equity through evaluating state sentencing policy for both the adult criminal justice system and the juvenile justice system. The Commission also recommends standard sentences for felony offenses, studies sentencing practices across the state, studies the criminal code, and makes recommendations for modification.

Board Website
Policy AreaPublic Safety
Governor Appointments20
Total Board Positions20
Statutory AuthorityRCW 9.94A.860
Public Disclosure Required?No
Senate Confirmation Required?Yes
CompensationTravel expenses
Term Length (years)3
Statutory Term Limits
Member Requirements: The Governor appoints two prosecuting attorneys; two attorneys with particular expertise in defense work; four persons who are superior court judges; one person who is the chief law enforcement officer of a county or city; four members of the public who are not prosecutors, defense attorneys, judges, or law enforcement officers, one of whom is a victim of crime or a crime victims' advocate; one person who is an elected official of a county government, other than a prosecuting attorney or sheriff; one person who is an elected official of a city government; one person who is an administrator of juvenile court services. In making the appointments, the governor shall seek the recommendations of Washington prosecutors in respect to the prosecuting attorney members, of the Washington State Bar Association in respect to the defense attorney members, of the Association of Superior Court Judges in respect to the members who are judges, of the Washington Association of Sheriffs and Police Chiefs in respect to the member who is a law enforcement officer, of the Washington State Association of Counties in respect to the member who is a county official, of the Association of Washington Cities in respect to the member who is a city official, of the Office of Crime Victims Advocacy and other organizations of crime victims in respect to the member who is a victim of crime or a crime victims' advocate, and of the Washington Association of Juvenile Court Administrators in respect to the member who is an administrator of juvenile court services. The Governor shall designate the chairperson.

Serve Washington

Implements federal National and Community Trust Act of 1993. Ensures compliance with federal requirements pertaining to State Commissions on National and Community Service, seeking additional sources of non-federal funds, especially to private funds, to meet matching requirements and build upon existing service initiatives; providing recommendations to the Governor pertaining to legislative or policy initiatives that promote the ethic of service; identifying existing and new policies or practices that lead to the expansion of national service opportunities in Washington state and support the federal programs and efforts on Expanding National Service, and providing the leadership and vision, alongside local volunteer organizations, civic and community groups, and units of government, to make service a part of the lives of all Washingtonians.
Board Website
Policy AreaGeneral Government
Governor Appointments20
Total Board Positions20
Statutory AuthorityExecutive Order 16-08
Public Disclosure Required?No
Senate Confirmation Required?No
CompensationTravel expenses
Term Length (years)3
Statutory Term LimitsVoting members may be appointed for no more than three consecutive full terms.
Member Requirements: Serve Washington shall have 20 members, all appointed by the Governor. Membership of the Commission shall be as follows: a member with expertise in the educational, training, and development needs of youth, particularly disadvantaged youth; a member with experience in promoting the involvement of older adults in service and voluntarism; a member representing community-based agencies or organization in Washington; the head of the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction or the head’s designated representative; a member representing a local government entity; a member representing the organized labor community; a member representing the business community; a member between the ages of 16 and 25 who is a participant or supervisor in a program; a representative of a national service program described in 42 U.S.C. §12572(a), (b), or (c); four members of the general public; a member from the volunteer sector; a member representing an emergency management and response organization; a member representing the State’s tribal community; a member who is a military veteran or represents a veteran-serving organization; the director of the Washington State Student Achievement Council or the director’s designee who has expertise in community service and/or volunteerism shall serve as an ex-officio nonvoting member; the director of the Washington State Department of Commerce or the director’s designee who has expertise in community service and/or volunteerism shall serve as an ex-officio nonvoting member; a representative from the Washington State Office of the Corporation for National and Community Service shall serve as an ex-officio nonvoting member.

Shoreline Community College Board of Trustees

Establishes and reviews college policies and oversees the general management of Shoreline Community College. The Board also sets the college's strategic direction, approves budgets, and represents the public interest and functions to ensure the basic fiscal integrity of the college.
Board Website
Policy AreaEducation
Governor Appointments5
Total Board Positions5
Statutory AuthorityRCW 28B.50.100
Public Disclosure Required?Yes
Senate Confirmation Required?Yes
CompensationExpenses only
Term Length (years)5
Statutory Term Limits
Member Requirements: Trustees must be a resident and qualified elector of the college district and may not be an employee of the community and technical college system, a member of the board of directors of any school district, or a member of the governing board of any public or private educational institution.

The governor shall give consideration to geographical diversity, and representing labor, business, women, and racial and ethnic minorities.

Skagit Valley College Board of Trustees

Establishes and reviews college policies and oversees the general management of Skagit Valley College. The Board also sets the college's strategic direction, approves budgets, and represents the public interest and functions to ensure the basic fiscal integrity of the college.
Board Website
Policy AreaEducation
Governor Appointments5
Total Board Positions5
Statutory AuthorityRCW 28B.50.100
Public Disclosure Required?Yes
Senate Confirmation Required?Yes
CompensationExpenses only
Term Length (years)5
Statutory Term Limits
Member Requirements: Trustees must be a resident and qualified elector of the college district and may not be an employee of the community and technical college system, a member of the board of directors of any school district, or a member of the governing board of any public or private educational institution.

The governor shall give consideration to geographical diversity, and representing labor, business, women, and racial and ethnic minorities.

Small Business Export Finance Assistance Center Board of Directors

Assists small and medium-sized businesses in both urban and rural areas in the financing of export transactions. They also provide information to small and medium-sized businesses about export opportunities and financing alternatives. The Assistance Center is a non-profit corporation.
Board Website
Policy AreaTransportation and Economic Development
Governor Appointments7
Total Board Positions7
Statutory AuthorityRCW 43.210.030
Public Disclosure Required?No
Senate Confirmation Required?Yes
Term Length (years)4
Statutory Term LimitsAfter the initial appointments, directors may serve two consecutive terms
Member Requirements: There are seven directors appointed by the governor. The directors shall include the director of community, trade, and economic development or the director's designee; representatives of a large financial institution engaged in financing export transactions in the state of Washington; a small financial institution engaged in financing export transactions in the state of Washington; a large exporting company domiciled in the state of Washington; a small exporting company in the state of Washington; organized labor in a trade involved in international commerce; and a representative at large.

South Puget Sound Community College Board of Trustees

Establishes and reviews college policies and oversees the general management of South Puget Sound Community College. The Board also sets the college's strategic direction, approves budgets, and represents the public interest and functions to ensure the basic fiscal integrity of the college.
Board Website
Policy AreaEducation
Governor Appointments5
Total Board Positions5
Statutory AuthorityRCW 28B.50.100
Public Disclosure Required?Yes
Senate Confirmation Required?Yes
CompensationExpenses only
Term Length (years)5
Statutory Term Limits
Member Requirements: Trustees must be a resident and qualified elector of the college district and may not be an employee of the community and technical college system, a member of the board of directors of any school district, or a member of the governing board of any public or private educational institution.

The governor shall give consideration to geographical diversity, and representing labor, business, women, and racial and ethnic minorities.

Spokane Community Colleges Board of Trustees

Establishes and reviews college policies and oversees the general management of Spokane Community College. The Board also sets the college's strategic direction, approves budgets, and represents the public interest and functions to ensure the basic fiscal integrity of the college.
Board Website
Policy AreaEducation
Governor Appointments5
Total Board Positions5
Statutory AuthorityRCW 28B.50.100
Public Disclosure Required?Yes
Senate Confirmation Required?Yes
CompensationExpenses only
Term Length (years)5
Statutory Term Limits
Member Requirements: Trustees must be a resident and qualified elector of the college district and may not be an employee of the community and technical college system, a member of the board of directors of any school district, or a member of the governing board of any public or private educational institution.

The governor shall give consideration to geographical diversity, and representing labor, business, women, and racial and ethnic minorities.

Statewide Reentry Council, Washington

The Statewide Reentry Council was created in 2016 to improve public safety and outcomes for individuals reentering the community (43.380 RCW). Services include:
(1) Increase collaboration between local and state programs relevant to reentering the community.
(2) Improve safety for victims and their families.
(3) Improve outcomes for individuals reentering the community.
(4) Develop and monitor statewide goals relevant to reentry.
(5) Recommend system and policy changes to reentry systems and supports.
(6) Report to the Legislature.
Board Website
Policy AreaPublic Safety
Governor Appointments15
Total Board Positions15
Statutory AuthorityRCW 43.380
Public Disclosure Required?No
Senate Confirmation Required?No
CompensationTravel reimbursement
Term Length (years)2
Statutory Term Limitsn/a
Member Requirements: The council comprises fifteen members appointed by the governor. The governor must create a membership that includes:
(a)(i) Representatives of: The department of corrections; the juvenile rehabilitation administration; a statewide organization representing community and technical colleges; a statewide organization representing law enforcement interests; a statewide organization representing the interests of crime victims; a statewide organization representing prosecutors; a statewide organization representing public defenders; a statewide or local organization representing businesses and employers; housing providers; and faith-based organizations or communities;
(ii) At least two persons with experience reentering the community after incarceration; and
(iii) Two other community leaders.
(b) At least one position of the council must be reserved for an invited person with a background in tribal affairs, and such position has all of the same voting and other powers of other members.

When making appointments, the governor shall consider:
(a) The racial and ethnic background of applicants in order for the membership to reflect the diversity of racial and ethnic backgrounds of all those who are incarcerated in the state;
(b) The gender of applicants in order for the membership to reflect the gender diversity of all those who are incarcerated in the state;
(c) The geographic location of all applicants in order for the membership to represent the different geographic regions of the state; and
(d) The experiences and background of all applicants relating to the incarcerated population.