Board & Commission Profiles

Below you will find detailed information on each state board and commission to which Gov. Inslee has appointment authority. Click below to view the boards -- these profiles will provide you with the detailed information about each board, including board members. You can also view all recently appointed board members.

If you have additional questions about boards and commissions please contact the Office of the Governor at (360)902-4111 or email.

Boards and Commissions

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Building Code Council

Proves independent analysis and objective advice to the legislature and the Governor's Office on state building code issues. The Council also studies, recommends revision, and provides technical and general assistance to building officials about adopted codes relating to uniform building, energy and barrier-free designs.
Board Website
Policy AreaClimate and Energy
Governor Appointments15
Total Board Positions20
Statutory AuthorityRCW 19.27.070
Public Disclosure Required?No
Senate Confirmation Required?No
Term Length (years)3
Statutory Term LimitsTerms of office shall be for three years, or for so long as the member remains qualified for the appointment.
Member Requirements: Two county legislators or county executives; two city legislators or mayors; one local government building code enforcement official; one local government fire-service official; one general construction representative specializing in commercial and industrial building construction; one general construction representative specializing in residential and multi-family building construction; one architect; one structural engineer; one mechanical engineer; one construction building trades representative; one representative of manufacturers, installers, or suppliers of building materials/components; one person with physical disability representing disabled community; one from general public. At least six members shall reside east of the Cascades.