Board & Commission Profiles

Below you will find detailed information on each state board and commission to which Gov. Inslee has appointment authority. Click below to view the boards -- these profiles will provide you with the detailed information about each board, including board members. You can also view all recently appointed board members.

If you have additional questions about boards and commissions please contact the Office of the Governor at (360)902-4111 or email.

Boards and Commissions

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Accountancy, Washington State Board of

Regulates public accounting through examinations, licensing, complaint investigation and continuing professional education. It is not funded by public tax dollars and seeks to protect the public interest while providing services such as monitoring the professional performance and ethical behavior of CPAs.
Board Website
Policy AreaGeneral Government
Governor Appointments9
Total Board Positions9
Statutory AuthorityRCW 18.04.035
Public Disclosure Required?No
Senate Confirmation Required?No
CompensationBoard members $50/meeting PLUS 4 hours
Term Length (years)3
Statutory Term LimitsNo person who has served three successive complete terms is eligible for reappointment. Appointment to fill an unexpired term is not considered a complete term.
Member Requirements: Six persons who have been licensed in this state continuously for the previous ten years. The other three members shall be public members qualified to judge whether the qualifications, activities, and professional practice of those regulated under this chapter conform with standards to protect the public interest, including one public member qualified to represent the interests of clients of individuals and firms licensed under this chapter.

Achieving a Better Life Experience Governing Board

The governing board's duties related to eligible individual Washington achieving a better life experience program accounts include conducting the activities of trade instruction, settlement activities, and direction of cash movement and related wire transfers with the custodian bank and outside investment firms. The governing board has sole responsibility for contracting with any recordkeepers for individual Washington achieving a better life experience program accounts and shall manage the performance of recordkeepers under those contracts.
Board Website
Policy AreaHuman Services
Governor Appointments4
Total Board Positions7
Statutory AuthorityRCW 43.330.466
Public Disclosure Required?No
Senate Confirmation Required?No
Compensation$50 per day plus travel reimbursement
Term Length (years)4
Statutory Term Limitsn/a
Member Requirements: The governing board shall consist of seven members as follows:
a) The state treasurer or his or her designee;
(b) The program director for the committee on advanced tuition payment established in RCW 28B.95.020;
(c) The director of the office of financial management or his or her designee; and
(d) Four members with demonstrated financial, legal, or disability program experience, appointed by the governor.

Adult Education Advisory Council

Advises the State Board for Community and Technical Colleges and the Work Force Training and Education Coordinating Board concerning adult basic education and literacy programs. The Council also supports, expands, and improves partnership, collaboration, and coordination among the state's adult literacy and basic skill stakeholders, providers, and external partners at every level.
Board Website
Policy AreaEducation
Governor Appointments9
Total Board Positions15
Statutory AuthorityRCW 28B.50.254
Public Disclosure Required?No
Senate Confirmation Required?No
CompensationReimbursed for travelPer diem
Term Length (years)3
Statutory Term Limits
Member Requirements: The governor shall give consideration to providing overlapping membership with the membership of the state job training coordinating council, and the governor shall give consideration to individuals with expertise and experience in adult basic education.

Aerospace Technology Innovation Board of Directors, Joint Center for

Pursues joint industry-university research in computing, manufacturing efficiency, materials/structures innovation, and other new technologies that can be used by aerospace firms. It also enhances the education of students in the engineering departments of the University of Washington, Washington State University, and other practicing institutions through industry-focused research. The Board of Directors work directly with existing small, medium-sized, and large aerospace firms and aerospace industry associations to identify research needs and opportunities to transfer off-the-shelf technologies that would benefit such firms.
Board Website
Policy AreaTransportation and Economic Development
Governor Appointments9
Total Board Positions9
Statutory AuthorityRCW 28B.155.010
Public Disclosure Required?No
Senate Confirmation Required?No
CompensationReimbursed for meeting parking
Term Length (years)3
Statutory Term Limits
Member Requirements: Board consists of a nonvoting Chair and eight voting members. Of the eight voting members of the Board, one member represents small aerospace firms, one member represents medium-sized firms, one member represents large aerospace firms, one member represents labor, two members represent aerospace industry associations, and two members represent higher education.

Aerospace Workforce Council

An aerospace workforce council is created in the department of labor and industries to establish a framework for apprenticeship utilization reporting and to establish
efficient pathways to achieve targets required under section 4 of this act.
The council must:
Meet at least twice per year until the apprenticeship utilization levels in section 4 of this act are achieved; Monitor the progress of a significant commercial airplane manufacturer, as defined in section 4 of this act, and the aerospace industry as a whole in achieving the apprenticeship utilization levels established in section 4 of this act; Report to the legislature by December 1, 2023, on the apprenticeship utilization rate across the aerospace industry and include any recommendations implementing the intent of this act, including policy changes needed to expand upon early success of apprenticeship utilization if reached before the date set forth in section 4 of this act
Board Website
Policy AreaTransportation and Economic Development
Governor Appointments14
Total Board Positions14
Statutory AuthorityRCW 49.04.210
Public Disclosure Required?No
Senate Confirmation Required?No
Term Length (years)
Statutory Term Limits

Affordable Housing Advisory Board

Serves as principal advisory body to the Department of Commerce on housing and housing-related issues and advise the department on the five-year housing advisory plan.
Board Website
Policy AreaHuman Services
Governor Appointments22
Total Board Positions25
Statutory AuthorityRCW 43.185B.020
Public Disclosure Required?No
Senate Confirmation Required?No
CompensationReimbursed for Board expenses
Term Length (years)4
Statutory Term Limits
Member Requirements: Two representatives from each of the following: residential construction industry, home mortgage lending profession, association of counties (one Eastern Washington), association of cities (one Eastern Washington). One representative from each of the following: real estate profession, apartment management and operation industry, for-profit housing development industry, nonprofit housing development industry, homeless shelter operators, lower-income persons, special needs populations, and public housing authorities; a member at-large; and a representative of organizations that operate site-based permanent supportive housing and deliver onsite supportive housing services. In addition, the governor will appoint the chair.

African American Affairs, Commission on

Examines and defines issues pertaining to the rights and needs of African-Americans, and makes recommendations to the Governor, the Legislature, and State Agencies for changes in programs and laws.
Board Website
Policy AreaGeneral Government
Governor Appointments9
Total Board Positions9
Statutory AuthorityRCW 43.113.020
Public Disclosure Required?No
Senate Confirmation Required?No
CompensationReimbursed Travel Expenses
Term Length (years)3
Statutory Term LimitsNo member shall serve more than two full consecutive terms.
Member Requirements: Balanced representation based on African-American population distribution within the state, geographic considerations, gender, age, and occupation. No member may serve more than two full consecutive terms.

Aging, State Council on

The Washington State Council on Aging is established to serve as an advisory council to the Governor, the Secretary of the Department of Social and Health Services and Aging and Long-Term Support Administration. The State Council is presently designated by the Governor as the state advisory council to the Washington State Unit on Aging, which is part of the Home and Community Services Division, Aging and Long-Term Support Administration, Department of Social and Health Services. The designation makes the State Council responsible to comment and advise on the federally funded programs of the Older Americans Act and other federal programs as required by federal law and regulation.
Board Website
Policy AreaHealth
Governor Appointments7
Total Board Positions20
Statutory AuthorityRCW 43.20A.685
Public Disclosure Required?No
Senate Confirmation Required?No
Term Length (years)3
Statutory Term LimitsNo member of the council may serve more than two consecutive three-year terms.
Member Requirements: Members of the council shall be appointed to terms of three years, except in the case of a vacancy, in which event appointment shall be for the remainder of the unexpired term for which the vacancy occurs. No member of the council may serve more than two consecutive three-year terms. The governor shall appoint one member from names submitted by the association of Washington cities and one member from names submitted by the Washington state association of counties. In addition, the governor may appoint not more than five at large members, in order to ensure that rural areas (those areas outside of a standard metropolitan statistical area), minority populations, and those individuals with special skills which could assist the state council are represented. With the exception of the cities and counties representatives, all members of the council shall be at least fifty-five years old.

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